It never fails. Give me a method of doing something and I will find a different (and probably more round-about) way of doing it. I used to do it back in high school math classes for various equations and processes and now I’m doing it with writing: I’m doing research for my *completed* novel. That’s right. That step you’re supposed to do around the beginning of the process? I’m doing it second to last (since I’ll have to now revise based on this research). It’s not to say I didn’t do any research when I first started writing this, but normally you’d have done the research that informs you about your main character’s obsession, which creates the bulk of her character, BEFORE you finished the freaking book. Let’s hope this method still gets me to a good end result.
The math equations are the only other example I can think of now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I could apply this to my life. Meeting a guy through WoW has got to be a more round-about way of doing things. Not that I am conscious of these processes while they are happening.
I’ve got some more blog posts brewing in my head, but as you can see, I have no time to write them because I’m busy writing my novel in reverse.